Sunday, May 15, 2011
WorldCat® knowledge base
Make your electronic content easier to find, use and manage
WorldCat knowledge base functionality has now been integrated into WorldCat. This helps you better manage the workflows associated with electronic materials. The knowledge base combines data about your library's electronic content and linking features that enable access to the content. WorldCat knowledge base functionality is included as part of your OCLC Cataloging subscription at no additional charge.
Unlike a traditional knowledge base, WorldCat knowledge base data is not tied to a particular application. Knowledge base data is added and maintained in a single place for use with a growing number of OCLC (and in the future, non-OCLC) services. These enhancements will continue to create opportunities for libraries to better manage print and electronic collections together.
One-click access to electronic resources from search results
WorldCat Local users can now link to electronic content such as full-text articles and eBooks, with a single click. A "View Now" link in brief results connects users directly to full-text articles and open-access objects. This new feature:
*Eliminates multiple clicks previously required to obtain online articles
*Simplifies access to items available through libraries' database subscriptions and in popular digital collections
*Enables faster user access to all the licensed content enabled for single-search access
*Improves the user workflow and ultimately drives more traffic to your electronic resources
This functionality is available at no additional charge for libraries using WorldCat Local, once they have loaded data into the WorldCat knowledge base.
Quick and easy resource sharing for your electronic content
WorldCat Resource Sharing and ILLiad subscribers benefit from knowledge base enhancements, including:
*More efficient request for articles—identifies lending libraries more accurately and passes the URL of the item directly to the lending library in the ILL request. In many cases, staff can complete a loan transaction within minutes, without ever leaving their desk.
*When your user submits a request to borrow an item your library already holds, Direct Request for articles sends you a link to the item with a note indicating your library holds the item. This feature helps staff more efficiently process incoming requests for e-articles you own.
This functionality is available at no additional charge for libraries using WorldCat Resource Sharing or ILLiad, once they have loaded data in the WorldCat knowledge base. Benefits include:
*Fast and easy delivery of online articles from your collection through WorldCat Resource Sharing and ILLiad.
*Easy sharing of electronic resources without having to manually locate and retrieve needed items, saving staff time and reducing turnaround time for users from days to minutes.
*Reduced loan requests for electronic items your library already owns.
In the future
In the future, WorldCat knowledge base data will be available for use with more of your library's OCLC services and non-OCLC services.
*OpenURL resolution functionality will be integrated with WorldCat Local.
*OCLC cataloging subscribers will be able to create knowledge base profiles to automatically set holdings for electronic materials—including eBooks—eliminating the need to do so on a case-by-case basis.
*OCLC will work with content providers to harvest data directly into the WorldCat knowledge base, saving time and effort for libraries.
*A knowledge base API will be made available to provide programmatic access to these services, allowing members to create their own unique solutions. The API will also be available for use with external content services.
How it works
The WorldCat knowledge base combines data about your library's licensed content and linking features that enable access to that content. The knowledge base is comprised of:
*Collection data—The databases or packages purchased by your library. Content providers regularly add and change metadata for these materials, and the WorldCat knowledge base will be updated to reflect these changes.
*Title data—Titles that are part of a collection, including descriptive and identifier metadata.
*Holdings data—An inventory of the titles to which your library or consortium subscribes. Includes the range of coverage for each title and embargo periods. Updated by your library or by OCLC's harvesting program.
*Linking logic—Citation data and your institution's affiliation are combined with linking logic defined by the knowledge base to create a link to the full text at the article or title level.
The WorldCat knowledge base uses an associated license management tool to connect to your library's license data. This allows identification of collections that your library may loan to other libraries and instructions on how to do so.
As of January 1, 2011 , the WorldCat knowledge base provides access to 6.3 million records for electronic materials from 125 providers in 9 countries. The knowledge base will continue to grow through content provider and member library contributions.
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