Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sharing electronic resources just got easier

Diagram illustrating the fulfillment workflow. (Click to enlarge.)

The introduction of the new WorldCat knowledge base simplifies the way your library can share electronic resources such as journal articles and eBooks. The result is time savings for your library staff and faster access to electronic resources for the people who need them.

The WorldCat knowledge base provides detailed lists of the electronic resources in your library's collections to ensure that your library initiates copy requests only for items you do not own. In addition, a license management tool allows you to indicate which journal titles and collections you have the rights to share through interlibrary loan and instructions about how you can loan them (e.g., print and send, print and scan, etc.) Together, these enhancements help your staff more efficiently process incoming requests for electronic articles you own and are licensed to loan.

New functionality included in your WorldCat Resource Sharing or ILLiad subscription

Once you add your local knowledge base to the WorldCat knowledge base and implement license management functionality in the Service Configuration module, you may take advantage of:
*Enhanced lending display for e-articles

ILL requests will include a direct link to requested electronic articles when your library owns the content and can lend it based on your license rights. Processing article-based requests submitted through WorldCat Resource Sharing or ILLiad begins automatically with a search of the WorldCat knowledge base and associated license management tool. If a selected lender (based on your Custom Holdings preferences) has the electronic article and can lend it, the service displays a direct article link to the lending library. Lending library staff uses that link to connect directly to the full-text article. The lender can then follow the instructions (if provided) and supply a pdf to the borrowing institution via ILLiad, Odyssey, ARIEL or another method.

*Use of the Direct Request feature for sharing articles

When both a borrowing and lending library using Direct Request have loaded their local knowledge bases into the WorldCat knowledge base, the system:

*Identifies lending libraries more accurately.

*Passes the URL of the needed item directly to the lending library in the ILL request.This eliminates the tedious manual steps of consulting multiple service interfaces to locate a needed item and then consulting a separate source to determine lending policies set by content providers.

*Reduces loan requests for items your library owns.When a user submits a request to borrow an item your library already holds, Direct Request sends you a link to the item with a note indicating your library owns it. This feature helps your staff more efficiently process requests from your users for articles you own.

In many cases, use of the new feature means that ILL staff can complete a loan transaction without ever leaving their desk.

المصدر وللمزيد


اتفاقية 1970: التنوّع الثقافي قبل الآوان

تعتبر اتفاقية اليونسكو، التي اعتُمدت سنة 1970، أداة قانونية رائدة في مكافحة النهب والاتجار غير المشروع، وقد مهّدت الطريق أمام حق الشعوب في ا...