Wednesday, May 2, 2007

OCLC FirstSearch

FirstSearch is an online service that gives library professionals and end users access to a rich collection of reference databases. With FirstSearch, materials in your library’s collection are highlighted in search results from dozens of leading databases.

A comprehensive reference collection

FirstSearch provides seamless electronic access to dozens of databases and more than 10 million full-text and full-image articles. You can offer a broad range of databases and full text collections or a select list that fits the needs of your users. And in 2007, FirstSearch will expand to include twelve authoritative databases from the RLG Eureka service.

See sample screens from FirstSearch

WorldCat makes it unique

Underlying FirstSearch is the WorldCat database, the most comprehensive and up-to-date bibliographic resource available. Your users will find relevant records quickly and the location of resources—in your collection or at other libraries—with the click of a button.

Intuitive and flexible

FirstSearch's Web-based interface and Z39.50 compatibility make it highly accessible, and its detailed online help, suggestion tools and source and location icons make it highly usable. Users can start and refine searches at one of three different skill levels. And you have the ability to customize many aspects of the experience.

المصدر وللمزيد من المعلومات حول هذه الخدمة تصفح الرابط التالى

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اتفاقية 1970: التنوّع الثقافي قبل الآوان

تعتبر اتفاقية اليونسكو، التي اعتُمدت سنة 1970، أداة قانونية رائدة في مكافحة النهب والاتجار غير المشروع، وقد مهّدت الطريق أمام حق الشعوب في ا...